The Association and board of directors will hold five “official” meetings per year. Residents are encouraged to attend these meetings and to participate. Please note that these meetings are open only to members of Shadow Wood Homeowners Association. Non-Association persons are NOT permitted to attend the meetings unless they have received a prior invitation from the board! Minutes will be kept at all meetings and posted to this page (see below).
The annual meeting—held on the last Sunday of January—involves matters which require voting by Association members. These include, but are not limited to, election of board members, changes to the By-Laws, and high dollar capital expenditures. The meeting will be an opportunity for the board to present the budget for the new calendar year, discuss possible rules and regulations changes, and address issues, questions, recommendations and concerns brought by residents. Association members will receive a meeting notice via mail not later than 30 days prior to the date of the meeting. Included with the notice will be a board member nomination form, a proxy voting form and any other pertinent information that will be discussed at the meeting.
Quarterly board of directors meetings will be held on the third Monday of the months of February, May, August, and November. These meetings generally involve discussion of normal operations and matters of the Association. Board members will also vote on issues that are specifically entrusted to the board via the By-Laws.
Any resident who wishes to receive a copy of the meeting minutes may request a copy from Ryan Lynch, Property Manager
by emailing